The Project description is as follows: 1. Remove the Existing, Demand Switchboard. 2. Provide a New Switchboard. 3. Reconnect Existing Circuits 4. Coordinate Disconnect and Reconnect with SCE 5. Remove and Replace the Existing Transformer.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 2/7/25 9:30am
Bid Date 2/21/25 1:00pm

Company & Contacts

Santa Barbara Unified School District
Marina Verdian  
(805) 963-4338 ext. 6238


720 Santa Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for a bid opening by the Board of Education of the Santa Barbara Unified School District at the Administration Office, 720 Santa Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, California 93101 not later than:

Bid opening will be held on February 21, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. for the La Colina Junior High School Damaged Switchboard Replacement (“Project”).

A mandatory job walk and pre-bid conference will be conducted on February 7, 2025 beginning at 9:30 a.m. Meet at La Colina Junior High School, 4025 Foothill Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 at the flagpole at the front of the main building. Bids will not be accepted from contractors not attending the mandatory job walk and pre-bid conference. Prospective Bidders arriving after the above-designated starting time for a mandatory job walk and pre-bid conference shall be disqualified from submitting a bid for this project.

Plans and specifications will be on file and available to view and purchase on, or as soon as possible, after the mandatory job walk and pre-bid conference through Cybercopy a for job key email Ernesto Magana at The deadline for pre-bid questions or clarification requests is February 17, 2025. All questions are to be in writing and directed to the Project Architect/Engineer, John Maloney, JMPE Electrical Engineering at

CLEARLY MARK BID RESPONSE ENVELOPE WITH TIME/DATE OF BID OPENING AND PROJECT NAME. Bids so received shall be opened and publicly read aloud at the Santa Barbara Unified School District Administration Office, 720 Santa Barbara Street, Santa Barbara, California 93101. All bids shall be made on the forms provided in the specifications and each bid must conform to the Contract Documents. Each bid shall be accompanied by the bid security specified in the Instructions to Bidders. The Project description is as follows: 1. Remove the Existing, Demand Switchboard. 2. Provide a New Switchboard. 3. Reconnect Existing Circuits 4. Coordinate Disconnect and Reconnect with SCE 5. Remove and Replace the Existing Transformer. Contractor License required: C10

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 and 1773.2 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the District has obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of workman needed to execute the contract which is available for review at During the Work, the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”) will monitor compliance with prevailing wage rate requirements and enforce the Contractor’s prevailing wage rate obligations, with a copy of the same being on file with the clerk of the District’s governing board. It shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and upon any subcontractor under him, to pay not less than the said specified rates to all workmen employed by them in the execution of the contract, and to comply with all prevailing wage requirements set forth in the Labor Code.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1771.1 of the Labor Code of the State of California, a contractor or subcontractor shall not be qualified to bid or engage in the performance of any contract for this project

unless; (1) currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5; or (2) expressly authorized to submit a bid by Section 1771.1 and provided the contractor is registered to perform public work pursuant to section 1725.5 at the time the contract is awarded.

This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. The successful Bidder will be required to post all job-site notices required by DIR regulations and other applicable law.

The successful bidder and its subcontractors will be required to follow the nondiscrimination requirements set forth in the General Conditions.

The District will be participating in the Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE) Participation Goal Program pursuant to Education Code section 17076.11 and Public Contract Code section 10115.

No Bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the bid opening. The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive irregularities in any bid.


By: Marina Verdian, Director of Facilities and Modernization