The successful proposer will need to be prepared to immediately begin working collaboratively with District staff to ensure a smooth launch of the upcoming parking program through two phases: 1) Ventura Harbor North and 2) Ventura Harbor Village and beaches.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 1/15/25 1:00pm
Bid Date 2/12/25 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Ventura Port District
Jessica Rauch  
(805) 864-2741


1603 Anchors Way Drive, Ventura, CA 93001


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that (i) the Ventura Port District (“District”) is seeking proposals for special services from qualified service providers or firms pursuant to Government Code section 53060 to provide parking management services (“Services”) relating to the implementation, administration, and management of the District’s Parking Management Plan (“Plan”) at Ventura Harbor in Ventura, California in accordance with the Request for Technical Proposal (“RTP”) and applicable “Contract Documents” described in Section 10 of this notice below; and (ii) sealed proposals must be submitted to the District no later than 2 PM on February 12, 2025, in strict accordance with the requirements and specifications in the RTP, “Instructions to Bidders,” and applicable Contract Documents, which are on file at the office of the District’s General Manager, at 1603 Anchors Way Drive, Ventura, CA 93001, and also available for purchase online as discussed in Section 10 below.

PROPOSAL CLOSING DATE. Proposals (bids1) must be submitted to the District, at its office at 1603 Anchors Way, Ventura, California, 93001, no later than February 12, 2025 at 2 PM; at which time and place, the proposals will be publicly opened and each proposer’s Bid Item No.1 and Bid Item No. 2 will be read aloud. Proposals shall be submitted in sealed envelopes. The terms "Bid" or "Proposal" and “Bidder” or “Proposer” are used interchangeably throughout the Contract Documents, and each shall carry the same meaning. marked on the outside, “VENTURA PORT DISTRICT: Parking Management Services at Ventura Harbor”.

LOCATION OF SERVICES. The location of the Services to be performed under the awarded contract consists of areas located within and throughout the Ventura Harbor, which is located approximately one-half of a mile north of the Santa Clara River and westerly of Harbor Boulevard in the City of San Buenaventura.

DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. The District’s Board of Port Commissioners approved the development of the Plan with the goals of increasing parking turnover, maximizing access to Ventura Harbor and adjacent beaches, and minimizing negative experiences the District’s visitors face when they are unable to find parking in Ventura Harbor (and potentially leave the harbor area as a result). The District received approval from the California Coastal Commission in November to proceed with the Plan with the goal of having managed solutions in place beginning in May 2025, ahead of Memorial Day weekend and the busy summer season.

As Ventura Harbor Village and adjacent beaches continue to grow in visitation, the District requires comprehensive parking management Services from a qualified parking management firm/provider, which will include the following elements utilizing a pay-by-license-plate (PBP) system:

  1. Pay stations

  2. Mobile Payment options including application and pay-by-text capabilities

  3. Enforcement utilizing License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology

  4. Citation and Permit Management (CPMS) Solutions

  5. Validation

The District desires to engage an established parking management firm/vendor to procure all required technology and equipment, and to kick-off and manage the Plan in a manner that aligns with the District’s commitment to provide exceptional public service and provide high-quality Harbor and coastal visitor-serving amenities, services, facilities and infrastructure. The successful proposer will need to be prepared to immediately begin working collaboratively with District staff to ensure a smooth launch of the upcoming parking program through two phases: 1) Ventura Harbor North and 2) Ventura Harbor Village and beaches. The overarching goals are to improve ease of use for customers and the District, increase customer satisfaction, and maintain compliance of parking rules through the implementation of innovative technology. The District is seeking only those parking management firms/vendors that are qualified and willing to partner with the District to implement the most efficient and customer-centric parking experience for residents, employees, and visitors to Ventura Harbor.

MANDATORY PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be conducted virtually on January 15, 2025 at 1 PM. The meeting will be hosted via Zoom and can be attended virtually using the following link or by using the QR code:


At this meeting, proposers will be briefed on the Plan and RTP, may ask questions, and will be given a virtual tour the facilities. None of the information transmitted in this meeting will be construed in any way to modify the plans and specifications in the RTP. Any modifications will be forwarded as an addendum to all proposers who have submitted a proposal by the deadline in Section 3 of this notice.

Proposers should be sure to connect to Zoom early in case their computer requires updates before connecting. If proposers experience any issues in joining the meeting, they should contact Jessica Rauch at jrauch@venturaharbor.com (or by phone at: +1 (805) 864-2741) or contact Todd Mitchell at tmitchell@venturaharbor.com.

FORM OF PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS. Proposers shall abide by all requirements in the RTP and follow all instructions outlined in the “Instructions to Bidders,” as to the “Form of Bid” and required signatures.

AWARD OF CONTRACT. The District is authorized by California Government Code section 53060 to contract with any persons for the furnishing of special services and advice in financial, economic, accounting, engineering, legal, or administrative matters, if those persons are specially trained and experienced and competent to perform the special services required.

A contract shall be awarded, if at all, to the best qualified vendor. Determination of the best qualified vendor will be made solely by the District on criteria determined by the District. The decision of the District shall be final. In its discretion, the District may reject any proposal, abandon the purchase, or re-advertise. The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality or irregularity in any proposal received by the District.

PREVAILING RATES OF WAGES. Proposers are hereby notified that the successful proposer and any subconsultant under them shall pay prevailing wage rates for any Services performed under the contract that constitute a Public Work (defined below).

Any project that constitutes a “public works” under California Labor Code section 1720 et seq., is subject to the requirements of Chapter 1 of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code and its implementing regulations set forth in Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations (collectively, "Prevailing Wage Laws"), which require the payment of prevailing wages, the training of apprentices, and compliance with other applicable requirements. Prevailing wages apply to all projects defined as a “public works” project by the State of California that cost more than $1,000 and are performed under a contract “paid for in whole or in part out of public funds,” excluding work done by a public agency itself (collectively, “Public Work”).

It shall be mandatory upon the successful proposer to whom the contract is awarded and upon any subcontractor under them to pay not less than the prevailing specified rates to all workers employed by them performing a Public Work during the execution of the contract. Contractors and subcontractors failing to comply with the prevailing wage requirement are subject to debarment by the Labor Commissioner, as provided in Labor Code section 1771.1. Debarred contractors are declared ineligible to perform work on any public works project, either as the prime contractor or a subcontractor.

CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The “Contract Documents” consist of this Notice Inviting Proposals, the Instructions to Bidders, the Request for Technical Proposals, the Bid Sheet, the Parking Costs and Revenue – Contractor Table.xlsx, the List of Subcontractors, the Bid Security Form or Bid Bond, the Agreement, the Non-Collusion Affidavit, the General Conditions of the Contract, the Special Conditions of the Contract, and a Bidder Completion Checklist, all of which are on file in the office of the District’s General Manager stated in section 1 above.

Copies of the drawings, specifications, and bidding documents may be obtained for purchase on or about (January 8, 2025) from the CyberCopy Public Plan Room Access internet site at https://www.cybercopyplanroom.com/jobs/public.

Proposers shall be solely responsible for making any and all arrangements necessary directly with CyberCopyUSA, 3020 Sherwin Ave., Ventura, CA 93003, to order, purchase, and have delivered any and all paper and/or digital copies of the drawings, specifications, and bidding documents. Questions about how to obtain and procure these documents may be directed to Ian Fitzgerald of CyberCopyUSA at (805) 642-3292 or dfs@cybercopyusa.com.

SECURITY FOR PERFORMANCE. Pursuant to California Public Contract Code section 22300, securities may be substituted for any monies withheld by the District to ensure performance under the awarded contract for the Services. If such securities are desired to be utilized by any proposer, they shall be utilized in accordance with the provisions of Public Contract Code section 22300 and, as required by those provisions, the proposer shall bear any expenses incurred due to the use of such securities.

PROPOSER OBLIGATIONS. Each proposer shall (i) carefully examine the RTP documents, (ii) read the specifications and form-of-Contract Documents, (iii) visit the site(s) where the Services are to be performed, so each proposer is fully informed of all existing conditions and limitations that may affect the execution of the Services under the contract, and (iv) include in the “prices bid” component of the proposal documents the cost of all incidentals and appurtenances relating to the Services. The failure or omission of any proposer to receive or examine the RTP, or any form, instrument, addendum, or other document relating to the RTP, or proposer’s failure to visit and become acquainted with the conditions at the site(s) where the Services are to be performed, shall in no respect relieve a proposer from any obligation imposed by proposer’s proposal or by the contract. The submittal of a proposal shall be taken as prima facie evidence of compliance with all instructions contained herein and in the Instructions to Bidders.